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You're beautiful in everyway!
   Thanks for waking up today.

Thank you person I have never meet before,
for taking the time to wonder these pages.
If you get lost, it happens.
You're welcome to come back for more updates.. Next is scheduled for April 22 2024. 

To all of you that I personally,
it's been such a blessing having you to go with the flow.
At times, most times, I'm difficult,
but other times,
those times..
I'm quite alright.

Everyday I wake and wonder..
  "How do I even have friends, let alone all of them?!"
And I know you're not perfect,
but by golly you're more than just alright.

Stay true to you,
as Tina Turner said,


"You're simply the best."

In the words of the $uicideboy$

"...And To Those I Love, Thanks For Sticking Around"

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